We welcome you to GlobeServe 2024!  Our ministry theme this year is THE LORD REIGNS! How grateful we are to be able to publicly declare this truth, not only here but also afar!! Attached is the GlobeServe update for the month of January.  In this newsletter you will see pictures of some of GlobeServe’s Senior Leadership, Administrative Heads, Pastors, Presiding Elders and others meeting to prayerfully cast vision, and to strategically plan and mobilize for the great work to be done this year.  One of the outcomes from these sessions was the continued realization that to prepare for this great harvest we will again place focus on honoring synergistic kingdom collaborations in order to reach this great harvest.  It’s not about us…it’s all about Jesus!

In the Newsletter section describing the activities of the GlobeServe Missionary Church Planters, the numbers will demonstrate how the Holy Spirit is continuing to reach new souls with the Good News, and lead these new believers to be Baptized and form disciple making House Churches and Celebration Churches that continue to grow.  And, you will see how Kingdom movement is continuing to reach deeper and deeper into the unreached people groups of Northern Ghana.  Praise the Lord for his faithful love for ALL people!

Even though the GlobeServe Frauenshuh Preparatory School was on winter break, the students continue to thrive.  School Administrators and Teachers report the children are growing in knowledge and in their love for Jesus Christ and for one another.  We are especially thankful for the faithful support of a number of our ministry partners…Meals from the Heartland, Convoy of Hope, Lutheran Church of Hope, the Frauenshuh family and others that are now helping to provide nutritious meals for the children of the school!  The health and wellness of the children is very visible.  Praise God for His gracious abundance!!

Finally, thank you for the continued prayers and gracious generosity!  God has truly blessed us with your friendship and love and prayers.  The specific GlobeServe prayer requests are at the end of the Newsletter.  We hope you will consider including these topics in your prayers as we continue to carry out ministry in West Africa. 

Grace and Peace,
Mark Hoffschneider
President, GlobeServe International