
Welcome to GlobeServe international. Our goal is to take the gospel here, near, and far to bridge that gap that divides us.


Churches Planted
New Believers
People with Clean Water

Discover Our Ministries in Ghana

Explore the diverse range of impactful ministries we offer, each with a unique purpose and a shared goal of spreading the Gospel, empowering individuals, and meeting the needs of the local community. From church planting and missionary training to vocational education and social support, our ministries are making a lasting difference in Ghana and beyond.

Ignite Change, Be the Spark

Ignite Change,
Be the Spark

Fuel Futures

Your donation becomes the catalyst for change, empowering an at-risk female teenager with a comprehensive two-year vocational training that ignites a brighter path ahead.

Planting Possibilities

Join us in sowing seeds of transformation. Your support helps us reach both nearby communities and distant souls through church planting and cultivating meaningful connections that blossom into vibrant spiritual families.

Enlighten the Faithful

By kindling the flame of knowledge, your contribution illuminates the journey of aspiring pastors and church leaders. With one year of tuition at GlobeServe College of Missions and Seminary, they deepen their understanding of God's Word, shining the light of wisdom and compassion in their service.

Open Doors to Dreams

Your generous gift unlocks the doors of opportunity for a child in need. By providing access to our preparatory school, you nurture their dreams, fostering growth, and creating a world of possibilities.

Building Bridges, Building Faith

Together, we construct more than mere buildings. Your investment supports the creation of a new church building, initiated by graduates from our seminary program. It becomes a sacred space where hearts connect, faith is nurtured, and the community thrives.

Shielding Hope

With your donation, we combat the threat of malaria. By offering vital prevention education and distributing mosquito nets to a vulnerable village, you become a beacon of hope, protecting lives and illuminating a healthier future.

Be the Catalyst for Change!

Your actions have the power to ignite transformation and create ripples of impact that extend beyond boundaries. Choose your path and be a catalyst for change:

Each choice you make has the potential to ignite a brighter future. Be the spark that lights the way!

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Stay Informed and Inspired

Your contribution can change lives and empower communities. Donate today and support our mission of bringing hope, transformation, and love to those in need.

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