February 2024 Newsletter

One of the included stories is about how the Holy Spirit is using GlobeServe to reach the Fulani People Group in Northern Ghana. If you are not familiar with this People Group be sure to do some research on the internet. The Fulani’s are generally categorized as an extremist group that you would never anticipate having an interest in hearing the Gospel or about the everlasting love of Jesus Christ. The unexpected invitation to serve and minister to them is nothing short of miraculous! And, in a similar story you will hear about the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in Burkina Faso! God’s love and passion for all people to be saved never ends! Praise God!

January 2024 Newsletter

Our ministry theme this year is THE LORD REIGNS!  How grateful we are to be able to publicly declare this truth, not only here but also afar!!
Attached is the GlobeServe update for the month of January.  In this newsletter you will see pictures of some of GlobeServe’s Senior Leadership, Administrative Heads, Pastors, Presiding Elders and others meeting to prayerfully cast vision, and to strategically plan and mobilize for the great work to be done this year.  

December 2023 Newsletter

Happy New Year from GlobeServe! As we reflect on this past year we are so thankful for the Lord’s abundant and never ending love, grace, mercy and provision! We publicly declare and affirm that God is good…ALL THE TIME!

November 2023 Newsletter

Greetings from GlobeServe! What a wonderful time of the year as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ!  While I know this time of the year is filled with hustle and bustle, I pray you also slow down and take the time to give thanks and praise to our Lord for all He has and is doing in both our individual lives and throughout the world!

October 2023 Newsletter

Greetings from GlobeServe!  As we approach this special season of Thanksgiving, I especially want to thank you for your continued prayers and any and all other support you provide to GlobeServe!  Our Lord continues to richly surround and bless us with faithful churches, foundations, organizations and individuals like you who have a desire to share the everlasting love of Jesus Christ with the people of West Africa!  So again…THANK YOU for your support!

September 2023 Newsletter

Greetings from GlobeServe! Attached is the September 2023 Newsletter providing highlights of how our Lord continues to move in and through GlobeServe and the people of West Africa! Whether it is through the teachings and workshops at the Justice Conferences, growth in leadership skills through professional training, sharing of best practices in presenting the Good News to unreached people groups, providing children with examples and understandings of the everlasting love of Jesus Christ or providing refuge to those fleeing persecution and danger…the Holy Spirit is is on the move and using GlobeServe to bring light into the darkness!  Praise God for what He is doing!!

April 2023 Update

Welcome to the latest update from GlobeServe Ministries in West Africa. We are thrilled to share with you the inspiring stories and impactful work happening on our mission field. In this edition, we highlight the remarkable achievements of our missionary church planters, introduce a dedicated staff member, and celebrate the success of the Easter Convention held in Hohoe. We also provide insights into the GlobeServe Centre for African Missions and feature the stories of our inspiring students and missionaries. Additionally, we invite you to join us in prayer for the various needs of our ministry.