women dancing

Greetings from GlobeServe as we celebrate our 28th Anniversary of Disciple Making!  On June 3, 1996 our founders, Pastor Sam and his wife Jonhild, ventured back to Ghana to start in very humble beginnings the ministry of GlobeServe Ministries International!  While there have been many twists and turns and challenges, God has tremendously blessed this ministry and graciously used us to impact the people of West Africa!  We thank the Lord for His faithful goodness and look forward to wherever He leads in the future!

Attached is our Newsletter that provides several updates on the Ministry.  We hope the report gives you an exciting glimpse of the movement of the Holy Spirit throughout West Africa.  And, a special thank you to the short-term USA Missionary Teams that visited and blessed us with outreaches to those in extreme poverty, provided educational seminars for our Pastors and Missionaries and gave overall encouragement in sharing the Good News and making Disciples for Jesus Christ.  It is wonderful to have your support and to see the Church working together in unity!

I hope you enjoy reading the update and seeing the pictures.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  

Thank you for your continued prayers and overall support.

Grace and Peace,

Mark Hoffschneider
President, GlobeServe International