March 2024

We are highlighting ministry updates for the month of March. You won’t want to miss the pictures of the Easter Celebration in Ghana! The pictures of worship and praise celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior are amazing and inspiring. When I watch the videos and see the pictures it reminds me of the story of how King David celebrated and danced with all his might as the Ark of the Covenant was brought to Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 15). If you would like to see even more pictures and videos, Facebook users can go to Facebook and select the “Like” button for “GlobeServe Missionary Church”. In addition, you can also request on FaceBook to be “Friends” with “Samuel Anthony Kofi Dunya”. Pastor Sam is the Founder/General Overseer of GlobeServe, and provides regular updates on how God is moving in and through GlobeServe in West Africa and other parts of the world.

Another highlight of the month includes the blessing of new Pastors and Leaders that have emerged for the Ministry. GlobeServe had the honor of celebrating the ordination and appointment of several new Leaders, including some that are are 4th generation Leaders; a rarity in ministry that serves as an indication of the commitment and depth in creating Disciples for Jesus Christ, and the overall acceptance of the Gospel message in and through GlobeServe! Included in this group was the ordination of Pastor Sam’s own son, Pastor Sam Dunya Jr. What a wonderful blessing for Pastor Sam and Jonhild!

I hope you enjoy all of the updates you will see in the Newsletter! As always, thank you for your interest and support for GlobeServe. Your prayers and financial resources are essential as we continue to share the everlasting love of Jesus Christ throughout the world! If you have any questions or would like additional information on how you can become more engaged with the ministry of GlobeServe, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Grace and Peace,

Mark Hoffschneider
President, GlobeServe International