Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. (Philippians 4:4-5)

Taking the church to where it is not has been one of the driving force for GlobeServe ministries. Our Missionary Church Planters continue to move in this direction in order that the glory of the Lord will be advanced on the face of the earth. Our praise report for the month of May is as follows:
- 2,957 were reached with the gospel
- 673 New Believers
- 100 people were Baptized
- 81 Disciples were trained
- Jesus Film was shown 39 Times
- Jesus Film was presented to 2,594 People
- 673 Came to the Lord through Jesus Film Projection

Rev. Sam Dunya took a visit to the Bakpaba District to worship and celebrate the goodness of the Lord with the Rev. David Kulma, the district Pastor and the local churches in that district. To the glory of God, Rev. Kulma and his leaders have 33 churches with over 1,100 members. There was a mighty move of the Holy Spirit as the word of God was preached at their recent meeting, the word came charge them to be the salt and light in their communities by being representatives of Christ at all times.

The founder took a tour to Damankuyili (also in Northern Ghana) where a mechanized borehole was dedicated and handed over to the community of over 900 people. Besides providing the community with fresh drinking water, it was primarily to demonstrate to the people, God’s love and concern for their physical needs.

Tatale District is one of the districts in the North and we have Pastor Peter Bilafam serving as the District Overseer. This district records 33 churches with a membership of 3,360. At the just ended joint service, individuals came from distant and near places leading to an overflow and indeed it was a great time fellowship with the people of Tatale. Members were charged to be credible, winsome and attractive witnesses of Jesus Christ in all facets of their lives.

After the worship service in the Tatale District, Rev. Sam led the congregation to dedicate a borehole in the Kukokpang Community. This borehole is going to serve over 1000 people in that district and this brings us great joy to see the smiles on the faces of both young and old. Thank you to our amazing partners and it’s our prayer that the Lord replenishes everything that has been placed into this project.

Afelete Johnson is our male student focus for the month of May. He is a 15-year-old Junior High School student with great passion to be successful in the field of academics, he also aspires to be an Engineer in future. Johnson states that the school has helped him in interacting with other kids thus building a circle of friends he can play and study with. His fears are that he may not get a job because of the number of unemployed graduates in the Ghana.
Vadze Yaa Emmanuella

Emmanuella Yaa Vadze loves science and wants to be Chemist in future. She is a 14-year-old form two student and our female student focus for this month. She states that “I have always had passion to study science and explore how chemical substances work” and the journey in fulfilling that dream has started with the presence of the GlobeServe Frauenshuh Preparatory School. According to Emmanuella, the school is helping her acquire knowledge and skills for her scope of interest and for life. Her greatest fear is associated to the inevitable part of life which is death.
Paul Semanu Amedzro

Paul Semanu Amedzro hails from Mepe in Southern Ghana specifically in the Volta Region. Paul believes he has a calling to reach out to the unreached and thus took a decision to join the GlobeServe Centre for African Missions and undergo training. What drives him and draws his passion towards missions is knowing that the Lord has called him to venture into missions. His target groups or the group he would love to work with are the Walas and Mamprusis. At his leisure periods he spends time with God praying and digging into the word, Paul’s favorite scripture is Matthew 16:19, knowing that he has been given authority from above to bind and loose.
Rev. Godfred Samuel Opoku

Rev. Godfred Samuel Opoku is one of the longest serving Pastor’s in GlobeServe. He has been with the ministry for the past twenty-three years (23) and presently serves as an advisor to the General Overseer. He has been serving as a pastor in Koforidua for the past years and he states that he loves that the ministry focuses mainly on reaching the unreached with the gospel, and is vested in demonstrating this love both in words and in deeds. One of his favorite scriptures is the story of King Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel because it teaches him to recognize and acknowledge God in all things and continue to submit to His authority. At his leisure periods he loves to watch movies and exercise.

The role of mothers in the home, church and in the development of the nation cannot be overlooked. On the 14th of May we celebrated all women and mothers for the diverse roles they play in keeping the home, modeling godly living for children and showing care and concern to their families, churches and society. We appreciate all mothers and we pray for strength and God’s continuous leadership in their lives.
- Prayer to thank God for all he continues to do in the life of GlobeServe Ministries, the souls that have come to Lord and the life of all missionaries and partners.
- Prayer for the new converts, that the Lord will teach, guide and keep them deeply rooted in His word.
- Prayer for all missionaries for strength and protection that they do not faint in the face of adversities.
- Prayer for the communities that God will prepare the hearts and minds of the people to receive the word.
- Prayer for all Pastors and their families that the Lord will direct them as they lead the church.
- Prayer for more laborers to be sent to the harvest fields.
- A prayer for the General Overseer – Rev. Samuel Dunya and his family as he embarks on mission activities