Greetings from GlobeServe! I am pleased to attach our latest ministry update that is filled with amazing stories of how God is moving in and through West Africa! While our home base and the core of our ministry emphasis has always been in Ghana, don’t miss the stories of how GlobeServe Missionaries are carrying the Good News to neighboring countries and regions in West Africa. During just the month of May, GlobeServe Missionaries had the opportunity to share the Gospel Message with over 2,300 individuals, and then witnessed over 500 first-time commitments to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! What an honor to watch the Holy Spirit move in such powerful ways!

I hope you enjoy reading all of these GlobeServe updates and stories! As you can see we place a great deal of emphasis on growing dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ. That’s something that is near and dear to the heart of GlobeServe. But, you will also read about our amazing youth gatherings, Mother’s Day celebration, and our need to continue praying and working on meeting some of the dire physical needs of underprivileged mothers, fathers, children and the aged.

A huge thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. If you have any questions or if you ever have a desire to travel on a short term mission trip that will provide an in-person experience of what God is doing in and through GlobeServe, please let me know. We have small teams that do 10-14 day trips on a regular basis.

Grace and Peace,

Mark Hoffschneider
President, GlobeServe International